Realizing our Divine Potential
The cost of realizing our True Divine Self is the small self - the letting go of perceived control, releasing the ego’s external identification with status, fortune, fame as who and what you are happens when Divine Light shines through us again. As the false light that led us on is eradicated by Truth, the false self must also die and so the process of unlearning, unravelling and surrender begins…
Embracing the Dark Night
The Dark Night of the Soul is the journey of remembrance that all who have forgotten must take. It is the journey of releasing the false identities of the ego, the attachments we have created to illusory realms, including blind beliefs. It is the journey within to the place inside where the universe does indeed dwell. It is the re-awakening of the Divinity within and begins the reclamation process of your own inherent worth as a powerful Divine Creator Being.
You Are the Medicine
humanity is awakening and consciousness is shifting. we have always been free and this realization creates a radical shift in consciousness if we are willing to take responsibility and grow.
as we move into a new part of the galaxy, we are returning to a time simultaneously familiar and new… the effects of this are palpable and are pushing each of us individually to evolve.. wisdom teachings say we have been here before - another great yuga through which we yoga, finding new centre and balance at a higher vibrational level than before... these are "ascension energies" and they aren’t always comfortable for we are moving beyond the known and discovering that we are, and always have been, on the initiatic path of cosmic evolution…
phoenix rises
For a long time, the world has felt anything but empowering. Especially now, in 2020, It feels more like a "house on fire"… but that doesn’t mean it’s a “bad” thing. Fire is purification. Fire burns away illusion and what remains is fertile soil for new life to grow.
intuition: to see from within
In a world dominated by the rational mind, many of us equate the idea of intuition with pink puffy clouds and unicorns, but we couldn’t be further from the truth. While modern science continues to study “the phenomenon“ of intuition, ancient cultures used it to navigate uncharted waters, they used it to survive in the harshest conditions and, ultimately, they used it to evolve. So, why have we busied ourselves rationalizing away one of our most powerful tools?
Signs of Expansion
As we expand our consciousness into higher states of awareness and realization, the world as we know it is literally bound by universal law to come to reflect that change. To embody our True Nature and its resonant higher frequencies, our bodies, as well as our minds, need to create the space to receive it. Essentially, the physical needs to “catch up” to the energy of our expanding consciousness. This is a process and journey of self-awareness and realization. The more we are able to recognize the signs, the less likely we are to be dragged down by them or think something is wrong with us.
ascension symptoms
Humanity is at the frontlines and we are the “ground crew” working to anchor in the 5th dimensional frequencies of unconditional love, harmony, peace and respect for all life here on planet Earth ~ Gaia, who is herself a cosmic being, a soul, a guide and an example of 5th dimensional consciousness which is unconditional love... always giving and never asking for anything in return but love... her physical state reflects humanity's collective consciousness... as we rise and expand in our individual awareness of who we are, we will come to witness the most miraculous and wondrous healing of the Earth for She is holding this vibration for us to realize and remember our divine purpose for being here now.
Fragile + Powerful
We commonly say that we are “spiritual beings” having a “human experience”. While this may be true, do not let it negate the human aspects of who you are - allow it to guide you in anchoring in your Soul, and the completeness of your being, into your experience of being human. Conscious Embodiment is the realization that we are Divine Light expressing as Form. Our Souls were divinely woven, through the cosmos, into our body temples, minds and ego made up of lifetimes of experiences and perspectives. The Earth plane is our Ashram - it is our temple; and it is where the Divine meets itself in expression. We journey within to discover who we really are; we journey outward to integrate, alchemize and create as we bring into manifest, resonant form that which we discover
we are crystals
Destiny is a magical force that waits only for us to remember that we are dancing with it. But in order to remember, we must stop running from the questions, the longings, cravings, callings, whispers and wails..
the medicine of Maya
Maya is the sum of all the illusions, the illusory world, the veil between us and Truth. Maya is that which we are not, though it may seem very, very real. Maya is the world of shadow, but it is also the source of great gifts. Gifts that will remain hidden until we open ourselves up to all that we are, which also means, letting go of everything we are not…layer by layer, this is the journey of the cosmic soul and I am reminded that within this Truth lies the answer to my woeful tears..
unboxing consciousness..
Humanity has been so busy putting humanity into boxes, putting nature into boxes, separating and boxing up the skies, the lands, the oceans, the people into smaller and smaller boxes of separation until they are separated from God and from true self. Humanity has been asleep at the wheel for quite some time but, that is changing and that is why we are here now, because how quickly and joyfully things change, depends on us.
Getting Good 'Like This'
We are all trying so hard to live life well. Inside our minds we struggle to figure it all out, worrying about the future, often regretting the past, and all the while letting our lives, our happiness and our greatness pass us by. If we do not pay attention and learn how to get present in the now, we will miss the greatest opportunity of our lives - the living of them.
2017 Intentions
"One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens."
They say a goal without a plan is a only a dream. They say without goals we are aimless, lacking motivation, even lost. But they forget that within the universe there are ways to grow beyond our wildest expectations when we let go of the notion that we are in control.
Feeling Excited & Ready
Fear of the unknown and fear of change are perhaps two of the most paralyzing mental fears we fabricate. We tell ourselves that simply not knowing what to expect must make it something to fear because..."something bad might happen". We might make a mistake, be embarrassed, fuck up, be rejected, "waste" money, regret, failure.... Fill in the blank with your own worst fears and then ask yourself, is it really worth it?
Where is our focus and why is it on the worst case scenario?
When did we stop believing we were infinitely capable?
Risk It All to Have it All?
Because the biggest decisions we make will often be the scariest, these are the times when we discover if our faith trumps our fear and whether or not we are willing to risk it all to "have it all"...
remembering who we are
Cosmic human child in infinite spirals of dimensions in a time we call reality in a space we call earth in a dimension we call the third amidst an infinite number of other possibilities for names, place & time, we exist at once infinite in our being & tied to this place & time by a reality that is only ever changing in infinite spirals of evolution & light.
Eclipse: the Space In-Between
If nothing else life has taught me to be open to possibilities beyond my wildest expectations but, as important, I have learned that the space in-between big shifts is some of the most precious time we have. These are the times when we can take a pause and connect with ourselves and the Divine. These are the times when anything is possible and if we are patient and willing to receive, we will be guided to exactly what we want and then some. It isn't anything anyone can do for you or to you. It is your own, quiet soul work and it is magical.
Raison d'être ... and then some...
Lately I'm haunted by the idea of purpose. My raison d'être, if you will... Though my life is a very happy one, full of friends, amazing kids and adventures, I'm nagged by a feeling that there is something more I could be her for...