The Great Power of Intention
Intention setting is powerful work. Unlike a setting goal, it is not as much about “achievement” as it is a way of being in the world. Intention is intimately related to purpose. Beginning with “in”, the word itself implies to “go within”. To “tend” is to pay attention to and care for something. The root of the word, entendem, entencioun, intendere ~ “purpose, design, aim or object; will, wish, desire, and to aspire to that which is intended”; also, “emotion, feelings, heart, mind, mental faculties, understanding.”
From a Spiritual perspective, setting an intention is the direction of energetic forces and setting into motion the energies — cosmic, collective and individual — that will help guide us toward the aim of our intention. Where attention goes, energy flows… therefore, setting an intention is to call into play an array of energies that will guide us in fulfilling our purpose.
I never really understood the power of intentions myself until I started medicine work. Setting an intention for any plant medicine healing ceremony is commonplace and what opens the circle as each person states their intention for being in ceremony. This “direction” guides the experience for the subject, as well as for Spirit to work with us in a more clear, focused and open manner. However, in an effort to gain greater clarity and live our divine purpose, we may set intentions for any and all aspects of our daily lives.
For example, I set an intention for a session with a client to be present, to listen with all my senses, to tune in to the session and out of the world so that I may receive the guidance from Spirit that is coming through me for them. These intentions guide, honour and anchor the space for the session to unfold in its highest potential.
I also encourage my clients to set intentions for their healing journeys. We are not setting a goal, we are setting an intention, or several, for focusing their energy into their journey. This process calls in their higher Self and Spirit guides to work with them in synchronistic ways.
When we set an intention, we tune in to and are guided by our intuitions, and we will receive messages, signs and “clues” along the way that let us know whether we are living in alignment with our intention, or not.
It is important to remember that when setting an intention we are setting into motion an energy to direct our flow … anything which stands in the way of that intention will also rise to the surface to be faced, acknowledged and cleared. This sometimes surprises people, but this must happen if we are to manifest our intention. This is how the universe works. We ask and we shall receive, but so often we believe we are not receiving because the opposite of what we have asked for shows up first. This is a clearing, sometimes like a test, but always Grace.
For example, we set the intention to be present and aware throughout our day — to move slowly and act with purpose. An hour later we realize we have misplaced our keys and lost ten dollars from our pocket.. clearly we were not present and conscious when these things happened. The keys were, after much searching, under the drivers seat where we dropped them unconsciously… we were not present. This is both ironic and meaningful in the context of our intention to be present. Then, the awareness comes in… How am I lacking presence? When did I lose my presence? What took my attention away from the present moment?
The reminder and the lesson to be present in all we do includes the mundane and the routine tasks such as locking the door and getting the dogs into the car for morning hikes. The “routine” things we do every single day often require more attention from us to be present within them because we are so used to doing them that we can easily run on autopilot and this is how habits (which are unconscious) are formed. This way of living unconsciously, living in the “next moment”, thinking about the predictable future, is also how our lives end up passing by too quickly; and, it is ultimately how we get stressed and overwhelmed because our modern lifestyles dictate a sort of routine from morning until night. Therefore, if we are not careful, we will always be rushing, always be doing, always be unconscious.
I set the intention when travelling to be kind and patient so that when the plane is delayed and people around me get grumpy, I can see it as a way to practise patience.
I am reminded that each and every intention is a process and not a goal — a bridge to greater self realization. Whether I am setting an intention for a medicine ceremony or for my life, each unfolds into a lesson and a learning. Like calling upon Ganesh to guide us in removing an obstacle, in order to clear any obstacle we must first be willing to face it. We must allow ourselves to stumble upon that which is blocking our path and then be willing to do the work of removing it. Ganesh will lead the way and make it as obvious as it needs to be for us to see, but he does not wave a magic wand and cause things to disappear… after all, where is the yoga in that?
I set the intention to eat well, to nourish and love my body so I am not surprised when I go to the store and my favourite chocolate cake isn’t available that day. Thank Ganesh! Now as long as I don’t go running to the bakery across the street, I receive the message and the support I asked for.
“What is great in man is that he is a bridge, and not a goal.” ~ Nietzsche
Every human being is a bridge for the soul moving through space and across time — each of our lives a journey into the familiar and the unknown. It is the familiar we must remember to rediscover and the unknown we must remember to embrace.
The power and magick of intention is in the cocreative dance with the universe. By putting our intentions “out there”, essentially “into space”, we are letting the universe know how to create with us. We don’t always have to know how something will come about. In fact it’s often better if we don’t try and figure it for it allows us to remain open to all possibilities and gives the universe more freedom to find the highest path toward the intention for us.
So for example, if I intend to manifest more money and abundance into my life, I do not have to know exactly how this will be — I simply know that it will. This also doesn’t mean setting an intention and then waiting for the universe to do all the work — it is CO creative; we must dance with the energy and allow it flow. So we answer the phone when it rings, accept an invitation to a party, buy the book that falls off the shelf, try something new, follow our inspirations and listen to our intuition!! All of which are guiding us along the path to manifesting greater abundance.
Inspiration is to be in Spirit — to allow spirit through and to act on that energy. From the Latin inspirare, “to breath into, be breathed into”; to be In Spiritu, is to be in the “influence of God, or a god, the light of the Divine. Once again, it is a “going within”.
“One who goes within, awakens and one who seeks without, dreams” — Carl Jung.
When we set intentions we are connecting to something greater than ourselves. We have the opportunity to go beyond the mind and its obsession with “figuring out” and control. By setting clear intentions for how we wish to be and live, we create an opportunity to discover meaning, and purpose in our lives ~ something which most are seeking and struggle to find. Too often we “think” that by setting a goal and achieving it, we will be happy. This is the result of conditioned, linear thinking. It is appealing to the ego but rarely results in the happiness we seek, for the moment we reach our goal, we immediately seek the next, and the next and the next. Often we miss the entire journey and then wonder why the happiness does not last.
To set an intention is to go deeper within and be willing to face the ways in which we stand in our own way of the happiness we seek. An intention is like a “theme” for our journey. It tunes us into the frequencies and asks us to look at our choices along the path of healing and awakening. Rather than blaming our conditions and circumstances for why we are not living the lives we desire, we set an intention to focus ourselves — emotions, thoughts and actions — and our attention into an energy that will ultimately help us to elevate our consciousness and grow.
We become less focused on the destination and turn our attention toward the journey and the present moment in which rests our power to affect lasting change and transformation. In order to do that we must focus within, rather than without.
To go within reconnects us with our Divine intuition ~ a sacred gift we all have been given. The root of the word, intuicioun, means “insight, direct or immediate cognition, spiritual perception”. The more we remember to listen to our intuition, the stronger it becomes.
Most of us living a modern lifestyle have weakened our intuitions greatly by following society, routine, others’ expectations and our egos’ desires and fears, but we can bring it back — always growing stronger with every acknowledgment until we embody that soul power again. The decisions that “don’t make sense”, the impulses that ask us to step out of our comfort zones, the callings toward the unknown.. we are never in the dark when we are in tune with our intuition.
Therefore, if you feel the call toward something, such as becoming healthier, wiser, happier, more loving, open, free… rather than trying to figure out how to accomplish that state and setting a goal for it, consider the practise of setting an intention to simply be in that flow and then pay attention to what rises to the surface for you. You will be guided and you will discover the opportunity to be experiencing your life, rather than chasing it.
It’s a powerful and enlightening way to live. It’s empowering and will help you in finding your purpose. It will align you with your highest Self and may guide you in embodying your true Self and the you, for whom you have been searching.
I do recommend writing your intentions down — whether it is an intention for an hour, a day or your life, if possible, write it down in your journal, especially if it is long term. This will serve as an important reminder when challenges arise and you are not sure why. Challenges may arise and when we have our intentions clearly written in front of us, we can often see the context for the arising content and understand the process we are in. This allows us to clear things quickly and expand our awareness without struggle.
If you wish, or if the setting is appropriate for you, share your intention with someone whom you trust and whom you know will remind and support you along the path. We say our intentions to each other in ceremony and though not everyone will remember each other’s intentions, the act of speaking them aloud is a powerful magick and creative force. Human beings have been given the gift of talking for a reason ~ the word creates. Allow your voice to echo the feelings and desires of your heart.
Above all, intend to surrender to the process. The act of trying to control how an intention will manifest into being is very difficult and often creates more struggle. Remember that you are cocreating with Divine power and that which is greater than the “little me” — when we surrender, we allow the process to carry us forward with greater ease, clarity and in the highest way possible. This may bring up challenges with the ego, but this is all part of the Spiritual journey and is all part of the deconditioning process which allows us to step into our true power.
Finally, trust. Trust that you are being guided. Trust yourself. Trust that you have the same gifts and multi-dimensional faculties of all human beings simply waiting to be remembered and embraced…
Each journey begins with a first step ~ what is calling you forward and how can you take the first step?